Symposium on Technology Education & Training
The WFTO will convene every three years at an international symposium to bring together all stakeholders interested in technology education, career and professional development of technicians and technologists, and the application of technology.
The 1st International Symposium was launched in Dublin, Ireland in 1986. This was followed by Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1991 and Vancouver, Canada in 1995. The WFTO will convene again in June 1998 at the 4th International Symposium in Capetown, South Africa.
Bids are currently being accepted for the WFTO Symposia in 2001 and 2004.
Standards for Professional Certification and Transfer
The WFTO will develop and adopt an international standard for professional certification as a technician or technologist. Criteria will include minimum experience and training, validation of qualifications through reference checks, professionalism requirements such as a Code of Ethics and acceptable certification process.
A profile of Technologists and Technicians was drafted at the Fourth International Symposium. A copy will be available by Dec. 31, 1998.
The WFTO will encourage and promote agreements that assist technicians and technologists to transfer their professional certification from one country to another. WFTO’s objective is to have transfer agreements based upon uniform standards established by WFTO.
Standard for Technology Education, Accreditation
The WFTO will develop and adopt an international standard for technician and technologist levels of education. World-wide consultation will bring the broadest possible input to this initiative. A ‘working draft’ will be available in 1998 at the 4th International Symposium with final approval in 2001 or sooner.
The WFTO will initiate a program to recognize technology programs that meet or exceed the standard for technology education. The program will establish various ‘levels’ of recognition and accreditation, including listing of programs; statement of compliance; in-country review by a third party; and, a full international review. The program will be developed in 1996 - 2000.
WFTO Awards, Bursaries & Grants
The WFTO awards recognize contributions to technology education and careers in technology; professional achievement by technicians and technologists; leadership in furthering the appropriate application of technology globally; and, service to WFTO.
The WFTO bursaries and grants will support and assist individuals furthering studies in technology; programs in cultural maintenance and solar systems; launching and developing professional associations; and, similar worthwhile initiatives.