Organization and Governance
The WFTO is a non-governmental organization (NGO), with international headquarters at the offices of the Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of British Columbia, Canada.
The WFTO is governed by a Board of Directors elected at each General Assembly held at the time of the International Symposium. The Secretary General of the WFTO is the Chief Staff Officer and provides leadership and management on behalf of the Board. Country Representatives (CR’s) are appointed by the Secretary General to represent and provide a contact for WFTO, and to deliver services at the local level.
WFTO has hired, ( on a part-time basis ) a Manager, Projects and Administration to assist the Secretary General with the workload.
WFTO Board
The affairs of the Federation shall be managed by a Board of no more than twelve persons. These members will be elected by the Nominating Committee at a General Assembly and will take office immediately after the General Assembly and will serve until the next General Assembly (three years).
Current Board of WFTO 1998-2009
Secretary General John Leech, AScT, CAE
Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of B.C.
10767 - 148th St.
Surrey, B.C. V3R 0S4
Australia Peter Voss Society of Engineering Associates [email protected] |
Canada Jean-Robert Vaillancourt Association of Canadian Community Colleges [email protected] |
Nigeria Eke Emmanuel Azubuike Dynamite Gaze Limited [email protected] |
France Vladimir Zharov United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
Ireland Muredach Tuffy Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
United States Sandra Sanders Broward Community College |
Kenya William Rwambulla Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa |
Singapore Wong Loke Hai Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists [email protected] |
United Arab Emirates Phil Anderson Higher Colleges of Technology [email protected] |
South Africa Johan De Koker Institute of Professional Engineering Technologists [email protected] |
Switzerland Martin Eppler European Higher Engineering and Technical Professionals Association |
Trinidad & Tobago Clyde Phillip Caribbean Association of Technologists, Technicians and Craftsmen [email protected] |